Military Reserve Trails sit on City of Boise, BLM (United Stated Bureau of Land Management) and Private properties. Wide range of difficulties abound as the trails often alternate between flat to elevated access. Ideal for mountain biking with e-bike and ADA accessibility on the military reserve sections noted in Black on the interactive map. No other motorized vehicular travel on the black sections is allowed. All e-bike access must have a permit from the following: or 208-608-7600. A complicated maze of trails with many rules and signs. Some trails are foot traffic only. Upper trails have long distances and are best for Mountain Biking. Parking can be crowded and non-existent at times.

Interactive Map
Cottonwood Trailhead Directions
Firestone Creek Trailhead Directions
Ridgecrest Trailhead Directions
Three Bears Trailhead Directions